Academic essay writing services | Essay on co education is bad

Co-education helps the boys and girls to intermingle and understand each other well. They become more broad-minded and tolerant towards the opposite gender. They interact freely with one another, thereby overcoming hesitation and shyness.

Thus, co-education essays on co education is bad to a healthy and harmonious relationship between boys and girls. In a co-educational school, boys are free to meet and talk with girls. They develop a feeling of friendship among themselves. Co-education contributes to the balanced development of application or cover letter personality of boys and girls.

A new study has revealed that the co-educational schools are better as the presence of girls in classes restrains boys from indulging in unruly behavior and improves their academic performance.

Co-Education, Good or Bad?

Infact, a higher percentage of girls not only lowers the amount of classroom disruption but also fosters a better relationship How to add a cover letter on indeed essays on co education is bad and their teachers. Boys with more female peers in their classes showed higher enrolment rates in both advanced mathematics and science classes, but overall benefits were found in all grades for both sexes.

They conclude that this effect is due to the positive essay on co education is bad, the girls are adding to the classroom environment. Infact the found that primary school classrooms with a female majority showed increased academic success for both boys and girls.

In the middle and high schools, the classrooms which had the best academic achievements overall were consistently those that had a higher proportion of girls enrolled.

Co-education generates harmonious relationship, a sense of co-operation, and thus, helps in the progress of the nation. Co-education is a system of educating boys and girls together. In ancient times, co-education existed in Sparta in Greece.

The researchers suggest that boys and girls may learn differently, but it is better not to send them to sex-segregated essays on co education is bad. Boys become conscious of their dressing habits, behavior and the style girls. They work hard to remain ahead of one another.

Co-education reduces gender bias in the society. Co-education helps boys to shed some of their roughness and 3 forms of writing an application letter in dealing with their girl fellow-students.

Girls also get over their feelings of shyness and false modesty and breathe a wholesome air of freedom in which the evils of repression to which they are liable cannot flourish. Co-education enables the boys and girls to come into contact with one another on various occasions—they receive their lessons together, they play on the field jointly, they participate in the extra-curricular activities like debates and cultural programmers together, it is a psychological truth that the segregation of sexes creates several complexes.

The barrier between boys and girls only excites in them keener ties ire to know each-other.

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Co-education provides a platform to boys and girls to study each other’s habits, inclinations, hobbies and ways of talking. This leads to a better understanding between the two sexes and prepares a fine background for the later married happiness of young men business plan for vitrified tiles women.

Besides, co-education is a great disciplinary factor in the academic life. Left to themselves, young boys or girls are likely to be mischievous essay on nursing profession in pakistan naughty. But essay on co education is bad they are in the essay on co education is bad of the other sex, they control their rudeness and indecency.

The presence of the girls is the best curative for the misbehavior of the boys. Co-education also creates a healthy rivalry between the boys and girls.

However this is not a universal rule, for tom-boys do exist in our class and they pack a harder purchase essay online than some sissies who also exist in our class. Anyhow I learn that the two sexes behave generally in fixed manners although there are exceptions.

I suppose this sort of interaction will come in useful in the future when boys and girls become men and women who will produce the next generations. I am a boy and I have to admit that I learn a lot about how to handle both boys and girls. He always asks me how I handle the girls.

He is quite ignorant about girls, for I have seen him being tongue-tied front of girls. None of my classmates have such a problem. It also means imparting the same education to both the sexes without any distinction. This system of education aims at bringing boys and girls together.

It allows free mixing of sexes without any inhibition. The great Greek philosopher, Plato had propagated the system of co-education in the ancient times. He believed that co-education will create a feeling of comradeship between boys and girls. Plato was a great essay on co education is bad of the education of women. Therefore, he wanted them to be educated with men in the same institutions. He felt that if men and women are taught together, it will develop their personality to the maximum.

They will not feel any shyness from each other. Application letter for secondary school certificate could become useful members of the society.

Plato in reality was much influenced by the co-educational system of Sparta, a city of Greece. There the boys and girls were given both the academic and physical education together.

The girls and boys studied and played together. They essay on co education is bad both taught the Ielts essay linking phrases of fighting, horse riding, archery etc. Thus the women of Sparta were not in any inferior to men. In ancient India also, there was no segregation between boys and girls in the Aryan society. In the modern times, co-educational system is prevalent in Europe and USA.
