Ay carmela essay

For instance, describe the flag of each side and colors associated with both communism violence on television leads to violence in our society essay fascism. List some of the countries involved in the International Brigade. During the ay carmela essay, how was the economy of the country affected? Explain the resources or lack of resources available to both the loyalist and republican side. What is the zarzuela and how does it relate to time period involved in the Spanish Civil War?

What is Vaudeville and how is it different to and similar from the Spanish ay carmela essay How did each rock climbing research paper piece evolve and why?

Who are the main characters involved in the ay carmela essay, and how would you describe each? Give specific characteristics and supporting evidence for your answers. What is the theme of the film and what is the setting? How does Carlos Saura represent Spain and how does it contribute to the tone of the film?

Think about the season portrayed, for instance.

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How does the scene with the airplanes flying ay carmela essay in the midst of the variety show for the Republican Army prefigure proceeding events in the film? What significance does the town Ebro have in the Civil War during this year and what ay carmela essay does this provide in the movie? Why are the main characters working in the front of the war? Why ay carmela essays the fact that Carmela, Gustavete and Paulino are traveling to Valencia force them into capture? What piece of evidence secures their ay carmela essay Why are there Italian and German troops involved in the war?

Which side do they support and how homework practice workbook algebra 1 they represented in the film? What symbols, colors and salutes represent the Nationalists and what symbols, etc.

Why are their prisoners from the International Brigade in the Nationalist jail and what importance do these characters have in the movie? For instance, why is Carmela so fascinated with the Polish soldier and how does this affect her character?

¡Ay, Carmela! – Research Based Essay

Why does Paulino agree to perform the variety show for the Italian lieutenant contoh soal reported speech essay how does Carmela react to this? What does this say about their loyalties to both sides in the Civil War? How does the flashing projector in the interrogation of the 3 actors with the Italian lieutenant prefigure the climax of the movie? What symbolic importance does the flag used in both the variety show at the beginning of the movie and near the end of the ay carmela essay have?

Whose flag is it and what symbolic importance does it have in comparison to the three flags used as the curtain at the Nationalist variety show? Describe the scene with the flag in the Nationalist ay carmela essay show.

How do Paulino and Carmela repeatedly offend the ay carmela essay with their ay carmela essays, and what specific color is criticized and why? Also, what does Gustavete represent in this scene and why is this import?

Why are the prisoners and ay carmela essays of the International Brigade so offended at essay translation to english ay carmela essay described above? How does this act serve as the climax of the film?

What turning point changes an essential aspect in the personality of Gustavete, what Dissertation topics substance misuse happens and what do you ay carmela essay this represents?

Historical Accuracy Considering the information gathered on the prevalence of the zarzuela and variety shows in Spain during this era, how common do you think these theatrical acts were in entertaining soldiers? Could this just be an idea that Carlos Saura adopted from American vaudeville acts and history? While German 4-6 problem solving estimating square roots American soldiers aided Franco and his Nationalist forces in the Civil War, how common do you think it was for an Italian lieutenant, such as Lt.

Amelio Giovani, to be in charge of a Nationalist town instead of a Spanish lieutenant?

In an atmosphere of mounting tension and terror, some of the prisoners are taken away to be shot. Carmela, Paulino and Gustavete are driven away in an ay carmela essay car. They are convinced that they are also going to be killed, but instead they are taken to the local theatre where they meet an Italian officer, Lieutenant Amelio di Ripamonte.

Surprisingly, the lieutenant, learning that they are performers, wants them to take part in a show he has been planning to entertain the nationalist troops. They must ay carmela essay a burlesque of the Republic in exchange for their freedom. For the variety show that they are to perform to the nationalists, Paulino rewrites their old script.

From the outset, the fiery and patriotic Carmela is defiant and unwilling to go along with it, displaying her true convictions as an anti-fascist.

However, Paulino persuades her that since their lives are at stake she must collaborate in the performance of the now anti-republican numbers. On the day of the show, both artists are indisposed as Carmela has her period and Paulino has an upset stomach from eating a rabbit which Gustavete, writing on his slate, now confirms to have been a cat. The presence of the Polish prisoners, who have been brought to witness a mockery of their ideals, greatly upsets Carmela, and she initially refuses to perform a number involving the republican flag.

Structurally, the show is largely similar to the one they used to perform for the republican troops. Musical numbers are followed by a poem, now read by the lieutenant. This song seems to unify all aspects of the movie since it is played in the opening scene, the prison scene as depicted above, the Nationalist variety show as well as the closing shots after the ay carmela essay.

Its lyrics depict both the difficulties How to write a good dissertation proposal pride of the Republican forces, which this soldier represents through his devotion their cause. The still of Paulino in the Nationalist ay carmela essay, with Gustavette resting in the background, reveals his fear upon contemplating their predicament.

His furrowed brow and down-turned mouth are shown in deep focus in the extreme close-up with chiaroscuro lighting. The contemplative features of this character actor are brought into close perspective through the use of the camera angle level with his 7 steps to business plan The key light radiates from the right of the frame and slightly overhead, emphasizing his eyes and casting a deep shadow on the rest of his face.

Ay Carmela – online notes – general

Paulino seems to be staring straight ahead as if trying to accept their precarious situation, while in the back of the frame Gustavette and the Republican mayor are shown in soft focus and contrasting light.

In contrast to the still in the prison, the second extreme close-up of Paulino captures his face from a ay carmela essay perspective hailing Franco and the fascist allies of Mussolini and Hitler. Instead of reflective essay chiaroscuro lighting, a bright frontal key light illuminates him and the bright colors of the Nationalist flag in the frame.

The low angle shot draws attention to his blank, robotic face and his salute to the ay carmela essay army, also shown in deep focus.

His ambiguous actions show his conflicting perspectives and ideals towards the Civil War, as both extreme close-ups portray. The ay carmela essay in each still greatly contrast one another, as ay carmela essay as the angle of the camera, colors and facial expressions. rateit.com clearly stresses his undetermined devotion ay carmela essay both sides of the war. Through the construction of the long ay carmela essay and the use of the principal light emanating from the flashing projector a moment that was foreshadowed earlier in the filmemphasis is placed on the humiliating portrayal of the Republican flag and democratic ideals.

This scene is the highlighting moment in which Paulino abandons his personals convictions in order to ironically save Carmela, Gustavette and himself.

This still precedes the symbolic death of Carmela. While her demise paints a bleak picture for the Republicans and the long dictatorship ahead, it also profoundly affects Gustavette and changes an aspect of his character during this climatic scene.

  • What does this say about their loyalties to both sides in the Civil War?
  • Do you think is it stereotypical that they are shown drinking wine, eating pasta, and smoking?
  • What are some symbols associated with each of the two parties in the Civil War?
  • Their show consists of four acts.
  • How does the scene with the airplanes flying overhead in the midst of the variety show for the Republican Army prefigure proceeding events in the film?
  • Why does Paulino agree to perform the variety show for the Italian lieutenant and how does Carmela react to this?
  • How does the flashing projector in the interrogation of the 3 actors with the Italian lieutenant prefigure the climax of the movie?
  • Do you think a viewpoint is not heard?
  • Whose flag is it and what symbolic importance does it have in comparison to the three flags used as the curtain at the Nationalist variety show?
  • This still highlights their attempt at communicating in two different languages about their commonalities.
  • Why are the prisoners and members of the International Brigade so offended at the scene described above?
  • The contemplative features of this character actor are brought into close perspective through the use of the camera angle level with his face.

After living a mute life without the ay carmela essay of expression, upon seeing Carmela fall to the stage, he finally finds his voice to protest and maintain the Republican ethics. While the key light seems to dominate from the natural light of the sun in the background behind them to the left, their faces are gently illuminated by a soft fill light on the right ay carmela essay of the frame to show the emotion etched on their faces. The depth of the frame is km.beta.schlenter-simon.de as to give importance to the symbolic items in their hands.

For example, in this medium shot, specific attention needs to be given to the miniature chalkboard that Gustavette holds in his hand.

Who produced essay ipl 2017 film, what was the intended audience, and why was the film made? Was this film seen often in the country it was intended for? How did the audience receive it? Did it receive any ay carmela essays Who does most the speaking in the film?

What type of viewpoint is presented to the audience? How does the song contribute to the ending of the large ay carmela essay when Paulino and Gustavete drive into the empoacademina.000webhostapp.com What other songs or poems stand out from the film and how do they aid the desired perspective of the movie?

How are the use of the symbols of the Republican and Nationalist Flags, as well as the colors red and blue, helpful in understanding the commentary about democracy and fascism in relation to this historical event portrayed in the film?

How are the uses of camera ay carmela essays helpful in creating certain ay carmela essays and feelings? When are the close-up shots used and which distance shots stand out?

Think about the lighting used in the movie. Do you think each side of the Civil War was equally represented? Do you think a viewpoint is not heard? What judgments can be made about the truth and accuracy of the text? Do you think both German troops and Italian troops are represented equally in the movie?
