Doing something is better than doing nothing essay | KM.BETA.SCHLENTER-SIMON.DE

As a result my data deluge problem evaporated and my thinking about various issues shifted. I became less distracted, more relaxed and more reflective. I also became more alert to people within my immediate vicinity and I seemed to become a magnet for serendipitous encounters with information and ideas.

In short, interesting things found me without me deliberately searching for them. If you speak to management consultants they will use words like granularity to illustrate the importance of detail. This might be a good idea if your ambition is to fine tune a well oiled machine operating in a stable environment.

Doing Something Is Always Better Than Doing Nothing

But there is a danger of getting lost in the detail and my recent experience would seem to suggest that what we might need is much more of the opposite, especially if your aim is serious innovation. What I think we to do is focus more of the big picture, those tectonic plates that lie doing something is better than doing nothing essay our feet, but which have become largely invisible due to our fixation with daily minutiae.

For example, in my view the media has become too doing something is better than doing nothing essay with immediacy and so-called news over careful analysis.

One of my serendipitous conversations last week was with someone in Sydney who observed that holidays were once places where employees switched off and relaxed. This in turn enabled people to return to work refreshed. Home served much the same purpose.

However, what seems to have occurred recently is that people are forced to use their holidays to catch-up with work and to do the kind of deep thinking that is increasingly impossible at work.

As a result people have next to no down time. They are doing something is better than doing nothing essay all the time because they never switch off or disconnect from work and this is impacting not only the quality of thinking and decision-making but also relationships.

It is also making people ill. In my case a mixture of control, alt and delete.

Inaction Quotes

I am going to get rid of various alerts, and favourites and focus on a few select sources, most of which will be on paper in order to slow things down a doing something is better than doing nothing essay.

I am also going to continue with my policy of being unavailable at certain times and of frequenting certain places where mobile communication is either not allowed or is blocked. Follow FastCoLeaders for all of our leadership news, expert bloggers, and book excerpts. As for organizations, I think that they will eventually see the dangers inherent in too much busyness, especially Too Much Information and Too Much Connectivity.

They will slowly see the importance of sometimes doing absolutely nothing and it will dawn on them that policies will need to be developed to either limit the amount of work that employees are allowed to take home or mandate a certain amount of vacation time. Looking out of more windows might help too.
